There are many people today that believe very little of what they hear or read. I have an earthly father that refuses to be on a jury because he says he is not qualified to be able to recognize the truth between two liars. A judge once asked him, " Sir, you mean to tell the court that you cannot tell, by the evidence, who is telling the truth ?" My Dad said, " No, since both the defense and the DA were both claiming they were going to tell the jury the truth, one of them had to be lying." Basically my Dad believes that if the person being accused really did it, but claims that he didn't, and the DA said that he did it, who was my Dad to say who was telling the truth. Needless to say, he has never been asked to serve on a jury !!!
There are many places in GOD's WORD that talks about a fool. Psalm 14:1 states - The fool has said in his heart, " there is NO GOD." They are corrupt. They have done abominable works, there is none who does good. Also in Psalm 53:1 it states - The fool has said in his heart, " There is NO GOD." They are corrupt, and have done abominable iniquity; There is none who does good. And again in Psalm 92:5 & 6A states - O LORD, how great are YOUR works ! Your thoughts are very deep. A senseless man does not know, nor does a fool understand this.
Proverbs 28:26 says - He who trusts in his own heart is a fool, but whoever walks wisely will be delivered. Eccl.10:2 & 3 states - A wise man's heart is at his right hand, but a fool's heart at his left. Even when a fool walks along (his own ) the way, he lacks wisdom, and he shows everyone that he is a fool ( by his actions ).
What I am getting at with this blog is that a " fool " in any setting has a problem. He has no concept of GOD's truth because it is foolishness to him. Not realizing that GOD's wisdom and truth is so perfect and far above any human wisdom, if he would come to GOD in complete humility and ask forgiveness for his foolish ways and actions, GOD would bless him with HIS wisdom.
When an unbeliever comes to realize, by way of the HOLY SPIRIT's wooing, that he is a sinner ( we are all born sinners ) he calls on the LORD JESUS CHRIST to save him from his sinful and foolish ways. OH, you ask, what did JESUS do for the foolish sinner ? Before there was time or even an earth, GOD the FATHER, GOD the SON and GOD the HOLY SPIRIT made a plan to redeem their most beloved creation, yes even before any one of us had been created. Then after the fall of Adam into sin, in the garden of Eden, GOD showed them that by the shedding of blood there would be remission of sins.
All the animal sacrifices that were required and the procedure for those sacrifices were a type or picture of what the MESSIAH, SON of GOD, the LORD JESUS CHRIST would complete when HE came in the flesh. And when the fullness of time came, JESUS was born of a virgin. Now the fullness of time partially meant that HE was to be born during the Roman reign because of their way of torturing and death on the cross. It had been prophesied that the MESSIAH would be cut off but not for HIMSELF, but for the sins of others.
GOD the FATHER required a perfect sacrifice as payment for the sin of mankind. Many people call the belief in the Gospel " easy " but there was nothing easy about it. It was all done out of LOVE !!! When JESUS was crucified on the cross, GOD the FATHER literally put every sin, the weight and guilt of every sin of every person ever created or ever will be created, on the shoulders of HIS spiritually beautiful and completely innocent of any sin, SON. Then GOD the FATHER turned HIS back and looked not on HIS beloved SON, because GOD cannot look at or have sin in HIS presence. This is why when we sinned as human beings, our sin separates us from an ALL HOLY GOD. Sin put a huge spiritual canyon or crevasse between us and GOD. The coming of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, HIS death, burial and resurrection satisfied the requirements of GOD the FATHER as payment for the sin of HIS beloved creation, mankind.
NOW, if you have considered the truth of this blog, as the rants of a fool, then I would gladly take that title. BUT GOD's HOLY WORD says that today is the day of Salvation. And since you have read this blog you have been given the story of how much GOD LOVES YOU !!! Bow your head in prayer, confess to GOD that you know that you are a sinner in need of a Savior and that you believe that JESUS came and died as payment for your sin, rose again and is seated at GOD's right hand. Ask HIM to come into your heart to save you and make you whole, no longer the fool but a beloved Son/Daughter to the KING !!!!!!
Your servant in CHRIST,