2nd.Timothy 3:7 " Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. "
In the last days, men will be "ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth" (v.7). We live in an information age, with a plethora of data available to us at all times just by looking at a smartphone or some other device. The world is at our fingertips. If all of man's accumulated knowledge from the beginning of recorded history to 1845 were represented by one inch, then what man has learned from 1845 to the present would be represented by the height of the Washington Monument.
There has been an explosion of knowledge. But what is it that men are learning ? How to be saved ? How to walk with GOD and please HIM ? How to live in light of eternity ? How to know GOD's will ? No, none of these things. People today can "google" and can find the answer to almost any factual question in seconds. Multitudes are "ever googling" but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
It is a paradox: ever learning but never learning - never learning the things that are most important. When it comes to knowing the GOD of truth and the truth of GOD, men are shamefully ignorant. And when it comes to Bible knowledge, there has never been such widespread ignorance even though we have available to us countless Bible study tools to which previous generations had no access. If people leave GOD out, they will never come to the knowledge of the truth. An excellent example of this is the theory of evolution, as brilliant scientists try to explain the natural world while leaving GOD out of the equation. Our LORD desires that ALL would be saved and come to the full knowledge of the truth (1st.Timothy 2:4). May we know HIM and make HIM known ! GWZ
Your servant in CHRIST,
Copywrite, Feature: A Daily Bible Study Guide
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