2nd.Corinthians 5:17 " Therefore if any man be in CHRIST, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new; "
We will be saying goodbye to the old year and preparing to welcome in a new year. For the Christian, the new year brings with it the understanding that we are one year closer to the return of CHRIST. With the hopes of the new year also come many troubles that will only be solved by JESUS' coming. I believe in the biblical truth of " de-evolution." Since the time that sin entered the world (Genesis 3), this world and the life forms upon it have been experiencing the opposite of evolution. The natural processes of entropy march forward no matter how environmentally-minded earth's inhabitants might attempt to be. These thoughts could start the new year on a depressing note were it not for the fact that, as believers in JESUS, we live in the realm of " new " things.
Our original parents blew the first covenant GOD had made with man, and subsequently each of us, through inherent, willful disobedience to GOD, self-identifies as a sinner (Romans 3:23). Yet if we by faith receive the blessing of Salvation, we receive new life as new creatures in CHRIST. But the wonders of the new extend far beyond this present life and world. We will receive a " new name " (Revelation 2:17) and sing a " new song " (Revelation 5:9). The problems of this aging planet due to the consequences of sin will be permanently solved: " The heavens shall pass away [and] . . . the elements shall melt . . . nevertheless we, according to HIS promise, look for . . . a new earth " (2nd.Peter 3:10-13). In addition, GOD will make a new heaven and a new Jerusalem (Revelation 21:1-2). As a final stamp amid these miraculous creations, JESUS will declare, " Behold, I make all things new " (Revelation 21:5a). Each new year brings us closer to all things being made NEW ! JMC
Your servant in CHRIST,
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