Thursday, October 29, 2015

" WHO is Over All, GOD... "

Romans 9:5   " Whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh CHRIST came, WHO is over all, GOD blessed for ever. AMEN. "
     Is JESUS CHRIST truly GOD in human flesh ? Does it actually matter whether we believe that HE is or is not ? The simple and biblical answer to both questions is  "YES." In fact, if JESUS CHRIST is not GOD incarnate, then the punishment for our sins was paid by a completely inadequate individual. This would mean that we still owe the penalty for our sins and that we are condemned for eternity, and, thus, no one is redeemed nor ever can be. If CHRIST is not GOD in human flesh, then we are still dead in trespasses and sins. If HE was/is not GOD, then much of what HE said about HIMSELF was a lie. But the truth is, HE is  GOD, very GOD.  Everything that it means to be GOD, everything that makes the FATHER and the HOLY SPIRIT "GOD," is found in the person of the LORD JESUS CHRIST - in equal and eternal amount and extent. (Colossians 2:9).
     This truth should bring us, as believers, unspeakable joy and hope. It is a truth that resonates from within the heart and mind and shapes the external expressions of our conduct, our manner of life. Like the Trinity, this is a truth that we cannot possibly grasp. We have become accustomed to hearing the words,  "JESUS is GOD,"  to the point that the depth of this truth really does not sink into our minds as it should. The fact that JESUS claimed to be GOD was stunning to first century Jewish minds. Yet HIS claim was proven through the testimonies of the Scriptures and of GOD the FATHER, as well as by the many miracles that only GOD HIMSELF could do, including HIS bodily resurrection. This truth is no less spectacular today as well. That JESUS CHRIST is GOD remains an essential biblical truth that must be proclaimed to all who will listen.GDF
Your servant in CHRIST,
Copyright, Feature: A Daily Bible Study Guide.
Used  with  permission.


  1. Thank you Abba Father for stepping off Your Throne, becoming flesh, walking among us, with all the passion in Your heart dying on the cross, buried, rose on the third day, and 40 days later ascending to heaven and sitting at the right hand of our Father...Your redeeming blood shed for me at the cross makes it possible for me to die to the world and live eternally with You in Glory!!!! AMEN AMEN AMEN!!!!

    1. Very well said, Roberta ! We will never truly know on this side of Heaven what it cost GOD to pay the sin debt of all of mankind. Those dark hours on the cross when GOD the FATHER turned HIS spiritual back on GOD the SON as HE laid all our sin on HIM and then laid all HIS wrath on HIM. They had never been separated, the words HE spoke, " MY GOD, MY GOD why hast THOU forsaken ME !" is a cry that we will never fully understand while in these sin cursed bodies. But one day we will know as we are known and then the full weight of the cost of HIS sacrifice will be known to us and our love for HIM will be that much deeper and sweeter.
