Wednesday, May 24, 2023

" Strong But TRUE WORDs ! "


Psalm 92:4-6  "For THOU, LORD, hast made me glad through THY work: I will triumph in the works of THY hands. O LORD, how great are THY works ! and THY thoughts are very deep. A brutish (stupid) man knoweth not; neither doth a fool (wicked, impious) understand this."
     Many of us probably have had to make strong but true statements at times without regard to what people might think. Samuel Johnson, an eighteenth century English writer, said a remark to his younger friend and contemporary James Boswell, that was, indeed, harsh yet in many cases accurate. "Sir," he said, "no man is an atheist, except in the sense that a dog is an atheist, because he has not brains enough to think." Scripture affirms, "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no GOD" (Psalm 14:1 pictured above).
     The fool (a wicked, impious person) determines in his innermost being that GOD does not exist despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. A shepherd boy, David by name, looked into the heavens and marveled at the evidence of GOD's handiwork in all of creation (Psalm 19:1-2 pictured above). The Apostle Paul specifically stated that the CREATOR's "eternal power and GODhead" (Romans 1:20) are so evident in creation that man is left without excuse if he does not acknowledge GOD. Today's text reminds us: "The works of [GOD's] hands. . .how great" they are and how deep HIS thoughts . Verse six declares, "A brutish man knoweth not; neither doth a fool understand this." The word "brutish" is from a Hebrew term meaning "stupid." Remember that this is GOD's evaluation of the person who, in the face of firm evidence to the contrary, insists that there is no GOD. He looks into the heavens, gazing upon the celestial bodies and their movements. He ponders the intricacies of the wonders in the world. He sees how fearfully and wonderfully his own body has been designed and given life. And yet, he boldly looks into the face of GOD and says, "No, YOU don't exist."  What a fool ! JED
Your servant in CHRIST,
Copyright, FEATURE: A Daily Bible Study Guide.
Used  with  permission.

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