Friday, July 19, 2024

"HE Came, HE Went Back, HE Will Come Again !"


HE is the most important person who ever lived.

HIS first coming was so important that even now, over 2,000 years later, we plan for the celebration of HIS birth by a month of feverish activity. We call HIS birthday Christmas.
HE was killed at an early age of 33. Before HIS death HE had spent only three years speaking to the people. Why is HE so important ?


Three days after HIS death, HE arose from the grave and was seen on many occasions by a total of over 500 people. 
Then HE physically ascended into Heaven ! How could all this be ? What is HE doing now ?


On many occasions during HIS life and after HIS resurrection HE clearly stated that HE will come again. Since everything predicted about HIS first coming has come true, and everything that HE said has come true, it is certain that HE will return.
Obviously all this could not happen to a mere man. And these events are important to know simply because JESUS CHRIST is both GOD and MAN.


He came the first time to solve the basic problem of mankind: the sin-problem which separates an all Holy GOD from sinful mankind.
HIS teachings are wonderful. You can read the story of HIS life in two hours in one of the short books (called Gospels) written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John.
But more important than what HE said is what HE did. Although HE was perfectly good (sinless) HE took the punishment due us because of our sins. HE died for us. Those who accept HIM as their substitute will not have to pay for their own sins. This is GOD's plan for rescuing mankind.
GOD showed HIS approval of JESUS' work by raising HIM from the dead. Death is the result of sin. By conquering sin, JESUS defeated death !


After proving beyond any doubt that HE was physically alive, JESUS returned to HIS FATHER in Heaven. HE is there now. HE watches as HIS church spreads throughout the world. HE helps HIS followers. HE rules everything - every nation and person and event - to guide history to the point where HE will return. 


When JESUS comes again, HE won't come as a weak baby in a poor stable. HE will come in majesty and honor ! HE won't come to be crucified. HE will come as KING of the universe ! Everyone who has ever lived will be brought before HIM for judgment.
How will you stand in that judgment ? The key to your being acquitted or condemned is whether or not you have honored HIM in this life by believing the facts about HIM, repenting (a turning to GOD from your sin) and putting your complete faith and trust in JESUS' finished work on the cross, and HIS resurrection.
JESUS is GOD in the flesh. HE came once to conquer evil. HE will come again to reward those who believe and condemn those who reject HIM as SAVIOR, in unbelief !

Are you ready for HIS coming ?

"And as it is appointed unto men once to died, but after this the judgment: So CHRIST was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for HIM shall HE appear the second time without sin unto salvation." (Hebrews 9:27-28) "Prepare to meet thy GOD !" (Amos 4:12).
Your servant in CHRIST,

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