"Forever, O LORD, THY WORD is settled in Heaven." Psalm 119:89
The Bible is a very wonderful book. It is a composite library of 66 books, of which 39 comprise the Old Testament and 27 the New Testament. The Bible is unique, for it is no mere haphazard collection of writings, but is an organic whole; each of the 66 books being necessary to the whole 'library.'
Any careful reader will quickly discover that there is a plan behind the arrangement of the books, and a unity about the Bible that is nothing less than miraculous. That is why we have entitled this study "THE BIBLE: GOD's Miracle Book." The Bible is inspired, authoritative and entirely trustworthy. What are the grounds for believing this ? Consider the following:
The Old Testament can be divided into four sections for study:
* The Pentateuch (Genesis to Deuteronomy).
* The Historical books (Joshua to Job).
* The Poetical books (Psalms to Song of Solomon).
* The Prophetical books (Isaiah to Malachi).
The New Testament can be divided into three sections for study:
* The Historical books (Matthew to Acts).
* The Doctrinal books (Romans to Jude).
* The great book of Prophecy (Revelation).
But from where did these 66 books come. How were they written, and by whom ? How were they brought together in one volume ? Here is a miracle of tremendous significance ! The 66 books of the Bible were written by some forty different writers, who lived in different countries, spoke different languages, and came from different backgrounds.
The writers included a King, a Doctor, a Herdsman, a Tax Collector, a Theologian, a Scribe, a Fisherman, etc.; and their writings spread over a period of 1600 years, so there could be no collusion or communication.
Think of it - 40 different writers, spread over 55 generations, producing 66 books; and yet when these books are placed together there is a perfect unity and harmony about them, and they all fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. What is the explanation ? There is only one explanation: The Bible is GOD's miracle book !
GOD is the AUTHOR of the Bible, but HE employed many human writers. These forty writers claimed to be writing down the words of the LORD. 'This is what the LORD says. . .' and similar expressions occur hundreds of times in the Bible - compare Exodus 20:1 & 24:4 "And GOD spake all these words. . .And Moses wrote all the words of the LORD, and rose up early in the morning, and builded an altar under the hill, and twelve pillars, according to the twelve tribes of Israel." In the twenty-seven chapters of Leviticus there are fifty-six assertions assigning its authorship to the LORD HIMSELF.
The same is true of the Historical, the Poetical and the Prophetical books of the Old Testament. What about the New Testament ? The Old Testament is woven into the New Testament. Scores of Old Testament sayings are quoted in the New Testament, and JESUS, the Gospel writers, Paul, Peter, James, and John all accepted the divine authority and authorship of the Old Testament.
What is the explanation of the fact that the writers in the Bible claim to have written under the inspiration of the HOLY SPIRIT ? The explanation is this: The Bible is GOD's Miracle Book !
It is commonly held that the Bible is full of errors and misstatements. Let us understand that there are many things in the Bible about which we need fuller light. Let us also state confidently that the Bible is accurate and reliable. What seems to be discrepancies are often cleared away after careful and prayerful investigation. Look up Psalm 119:160 "I made hast and delayed not to keep THY commandments." There is not one single proved inaccuracy in the whole Bible.
The Bible is accurate historically, geographically, genealogically, scientifically, psychologically, typologically, and verbally. What is the secret of this amazing accuracy ? The Bible is GOD's miracle book !
The revelation of truth we have in the Bible is progressively given, and by the time we get to the Book of Revelation we have a perfect and complete body of truth. In the 66 books there is everything we need to know about ourselves, sin, death, Heaven, human destiny, human relations, and above all, about GOD and HIS nature, about CHRIST and HIS love, and about redemption.
The revelation in the Bible is complete. Look up Jude 3 "Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." There is everything we need in the Bible. Why ? Because the Bible is GOD's miracle book !
Two-thirds of the Bible is made up of prophecies. Prophecy is history written in advance of it happening. Only a small portion of these prophecies have so far been fulfilled, but all fulfilled prophecy has been literally fulfilled. In the Bible we have prophecies relating to places, events, and people.
A most helpful approach to this subject would be to study the Old Testament prophecies relating to the PERSON of CHRIST and see them fulfilled in HIS birth, life, ministry, death, resurrection, and ascension. Note also that over thirty prophecies relating to HIS arrest, trial and crucifixion were all fulfilled within 24 hours when HE died.
What is the explanation of the power of this book to predict the future ? The Bible is GOD's miracle book !
One message runs right through the Bible - the message of GOD's great love for sinful humanity; of the gift of HIS SON, our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST; of HIS provision of salvation, and of HIS righteous claims perfectly satisfied at Calvary - Genesis 3:15.
Throughout the Bible we trace the message of John 3:16, until we come to the final appeal to sinful men to accept the Gospel invitation - Revelation 22:17. What is the explanation of this one insistent message running through the Bible ? The Bible is GOD's miracle book !
As we conclude this study, notice one final bit of evidence of the Bible's unique nature, inspiration, and authority: it is to be found in:
What is the explanation of the miraculous nature of the Bible ?
Paul said, "All Scripture is given by inspiration of GOD, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of GOD may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." 2nd.Timothy 3:16.
Peter said, "For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of GOD spake as they were moved by the HOLY GHOST." 2nd.Peter 1:21. These verses proclaim the inspiration of the Bible.
Thank GOD, the Bible is GOD-given, fully inspired, completely authoritative and absolutely trustworthy ! It truly is GOD's miracle book. Let us love it, believe it, learn it, practice it, defend it, and pass it on to others. AMEN !
Edited by Dr. Tom Sexton - www.FiveStarChristianMinistries.com - WordToTheWorld@aol.com