Friday, August 16, 2024


Philippians 1:19-21 "For I know that this shall turn to my salvation through your prayer, and the supply of the SPIRIT of JESUS CHRIST, according to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also CHRIST shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death. For to me to live is CHRIST, and to die is gain."
     As Christians, we must understand that our very reason for existence is to glorify our LORD. JESUS paid the ultimate sacrifice for us -- HE suffered and died on Calvary's cross to pay for our sins although we did not deserve it nor even desire it. When we believe the Gospel, trusting fully in the sufficient work of JESUS for our salvation, we entered into the body of CHRIST, and we now possess mercy and grace greater than we could possibly comprehend ! Should we not, therefore, spend our life in service to the ONE WHO gave so great a sacrifice and WHO blesses us so richly every day ? The Apostle Paul lived each day with the realization that JESUS paid a tremendous price for him; thus, he pledged himself to glorifying his SAVIOR. Verse twenty reveals the full extent of Paul's commitment to magnify the LORD in every aspect of his life.
     After reading our text, did you notice the passion and fervency in Paul's desire to dedicate his life to the glory and service of GOD ? He defined this longing as his "earnest expectation and . . .hope" (v.20 pictured below). Paul truly wanted to do GOD's will as he ministered to believers and as he preached the Gospel to the lost. Why did he desire this ? It was because Paul loved the LORD and enjoyed close fellowship with HIM. A commitment to magnify GOD stems from a knowledge of the LORD and HIS WORD. We must consider whether or not we have this same earnest desire. If not, then perhaps we are neglecting to spend enough time getting to know our SAVIOR; maybe we are failing to grasp HIS love for us or are overlooking HIS many blessings. Let us purpose to draw closer to GOD and ardently live for the ONE WHO paid so great a price for us.
     The Apostle Paul fervently and passionately committed himself to glorifying GOD through his ministry. But passion and fervency were not an end in themselves. Many people feel strongly about countless different things, yet their feelings do not always translate into action. Paul, on the other hand, was serious about his commitment. In verse twenty he expressed his resolute desire: "that in nothing I shall be ashamed." Notice the word "nothing." The Apostle did not want anything to exist in his ministry that would cause him to bring reproach upon the name of JESUS CHRIST, nor did he want something in his life that would lead to the LORD's disapproval at the Judgment Seat of CHRIST. In order to fulfill his commitment, the Apostle Paul needed to completely yield himself to the LORD, which he certainly did. He firmly and genuinely committed his life to accomplishing GOD's will, thereby bringing glory to his SAVIOR.
     Are we serious about our relationship with the LORD ? Do we claim to desire GOD's will or give the impression to others that the LORD occupies the foremost place in our heart when, in reality, we care little about pleasing HIM or giving HIM the priority in our life ? Such should never be the case. GOD's WORD reminds us that "no man can serve two masters" (Matthew 6:24). Halfhearted loyalty does not exist -- either we are dedicated to serving and glorifying GOD, or we are devoted to serving and glorifying something or someone else. Where do you stand ? As believers, we must be serious in our commitment to do everything for the honor and glory of GOD (1st.Corinthians 10:31). Our prayer ought to be like the Apostle Paul's: "that in nothing I shall be ashamed" (v.20).
     The Apostle Paul passionately and seriously dedicated himself to accomplishing GOD's will and magnifying the LORD in every area of his life. While such a commitment is certainly noble and GOD-honoring, it is by no means easy on the flesh. Paul's beliefs and actions were different from the unbelieving pagan world around him, and because he preached the Gospel to the lost and forthrightly ministered to other believers, he certainly faced trials and persecution from the world. Yet the Apostle refused to allow the fear of man to dictate his ministry. The very fact that Paul penned this letter to the church of Philippi from prison reveals his devotion to boldly ministering for his LORD regardless of the cost. In verse twenty, the apostle told the Philippian saints that he committed himself to honoring GOD "with all boldness."
     The days in which we live are likewise marked by paganism and intolerance toward biblical Christianity. Sadly, many believers are dishonoring the LORD because they have let the fear of man alter their direction and service for GOD. Rather than boldly proclaiming, "Thus saith the LORD," they are more concerned about what others think of them; consequently, they refuse to live a life that is different from the world. Rather than seeking the approval of GOD, they are striving to gain the approbation of other men or ministries. As fundamentalists, we must lovingly but resolutely speak the truth; in addition, we must bravely reject worldliness and compromise. Paul surrendered himself to courageously preaching the Gospel, ministering to others, and honoring CHRIST in his life. Are we committed to this same boldness in our life and ministry ?
     Paul passionately and seriously committed himself to magnifying the LORD as he lived and ministered according to GOD's will. Furthermore, he purposed to boldly honor his SAVIOR regardless of what other men thought or said. Certainly, his life was not easy on the flesh, but the LORD gave Paul many blessings as well. Regardless of whether the Apostle faced times of abundance or hardship (Philippians 4:11-13 pictured above), he determined to glorify his GOD by faithfully serving HIM at all times. In verse twenty of our text, he pledged that "as always, so now also CHRIST shall be magnified." To the Apostle Paul, commitment was not merely a word -- it was a lifestyle. He completely devoted his life to glorifying CHRIST in the good times as well as the bad.
     The WORD of GOD constantly urges us to remain consistent and diligent in our walk with the LORD. First Corinthians 15:58 commands us to be "steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the LORD." Notice also Paul's confident exhortation to the Thessalonian believers that they "both do and will do the things which we command you" (2nd.Thessalonians 3:4). The value of a consistent walk and witness cannot be overemphasized. We must never live for GOD one day and then live for self or for someone else the next; to do so only hinders our relationship with GOD and ruins our testimony before the world. Can we honestly say that JESUS CHRIST is magnified in our life and ministry at all times, or must we admit that we only strive to please HIM at certain times -- perhaps when all seems to be going well ? We must heed the example of Paul, who committed himself to living diligently and consistently for his LORD.
     Commitment begins in the heart, but ultimately, we must carry it out through physical effort. Paul fervently and seriously devoted himself to boldly and consistently magnifying GOD by yielding to HIS will and obediently serving HIM in every aspect of life and ministry. Yet the Apostle knew that this inward dedication required outward exertion. In verse twenty, Paul says he was committed to magnifying CHRIST "in my body"; in Romans 6:12-13 he elaborates on what this means: "Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof. Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto GOD, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto GOD." To magnify the LORD through one's body means to subject every body part to the will of the LORD. You have a choice to make every single day !
     Sadly, we sometimes deceive ourselves into thinking that we can live like the world and still honor and glorify GOD because we have inwardly "committed" to doing HIS will. We assume that as long as our motives are pure, and our sincerity is genuine then GOD will somehow approve of our conformity to the world. But such thinking reveals a serious lack of biblical knowledge and discernment. GOD has called us to be holy and set apart from worldliness, and if we want to do HIS will, we must live transformed lives that are different from the unsaved (Romans 12:1-2 pictured above; 1st.Peter 1:14-16). We must be dedicated to maintaining a lifestyle that is consistent with GOD's will as revealed in HIS WORD. Are we faithfully glorifying the LORD JESUS CHRIST in our body each day ?
     Despite the fact that the Apostle Paul wrote this letter to the Philippian church while he was under arrest, the reader does not sense any degree of hopelessness or despair on the part of the Apostle. Rather, Paul exudes a confidence that can emanate only from one who is placing his complete trust in the omnipotent CREATOR. In verse twenty, Paul tells the Philippians he is committed to magnifying GOD in his body "whether it be by life, or by death." He continues, "For me to live is CHRIST, and to die is gain" (v.21). Paul understood that GOD would accomplish HIS will in his life whether he lived or died. He knew the Philippian believers were praying for him, and he completely yielded himself to the control of the HOLY SPIRIT (v.19). Paul was not afraid of life or of death. He realized that each had its benefits (Philippians 1:23-24 pictured above), and he also accepted that GOD had a plan for his life which transcended his own preferences.
     Today, we must take the time to consider whether we are truly committed to magnifying the LORD JESUS CHRIST through our life and ministry. In Romans 12:1, the Apostle tells us that complete yieldedness to GOD is our "reasonable service." Our SAVIOR has done so much for us that the very least we can do is give HIM our life to use as HE sees fit. If we are passionately and seriously dedicated to being the kind of faithful servants GOD wants us to be, then we will demonstrate boldness, consistency, yieldedness, and fearlessness as we share the Gospel with the lost and minister to fellow believers. Paul was certainly a good example of one who fully yielded himself to committed, faithful, GOD-honoring Christian service. Can this be said of us ? MDC
Your servant in CHRIST,
Copyright, FEATURE: A Daily Bible Study Guide.
Used  with  permission.


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