Tuesday, August 20, 2024

" GOD Will Do It ! "


Isaiah 9:6-7 " For unto us a CHILD is born, unto us a SON is given: and the government shall be upon HIS shoulder: and HIS name shall be called WONDERFUL, COUNSELOR, The MIGHTY GOD, The EVERLASTING FATHER, The PRINCE of PEACE. Of the increase of HIS government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon HIS kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this."
     Books have been written that deal exclusively with the names attributed to the LORD JESUS CHRIST in the WORD of GOD. What a tremendous blessing these studies are as we increase our understanding of the LORD's glory, HIS divine attributes, and HIS purpose. Today's text is a case in point. HE is indeed "WONDERFUL" in every way, and HE is certainly the believer's exalted "COUNSELOR" as well (v.6 pictured above). These names in our text speak of the greatness of our LORD from eternity past to HIS transcendent future glory in the Millennial Kingdom. We also see in this passage another prophecy concerning the birth of JESUS CHRIST -- written more than 700 years before HE was born. Just as the first prophecy concerning HIS incarnation literally came to pass, so too will the 1000-year reign over the earthly kingdom that HE has covenanted to Israel, happen.
     Notice the dispensational division in the first part of verse six separating CHRIST's prophesied birth and the promised kingdom that HE will establish at HIS second advent (not the Rapture). We in the church age are between those two events. It is important that we distinguish between the prophecies that relate to Israel and those that are specifically for the church. The kingdom CHRIST shall usher in world peace and a righteous reign in which HE will rule on David's throne in Jerusalem. The church will not, nor is it called to, "bring in the kingdom." Kingdom-building is not the church's mission, and no kingdom will exist until CHRIST's return (Zechariah Chapter 14). GOD will absolutely bring to pass all that HE has promised. "The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this" (v.7 posted at top of post). MHR
Your servant in CHRIST,
Copyright, FEATURE: The Bible Study Guide.
Used  with  permission.    www.featoday.org

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