Monday, August 5, 2024

"Study Hard for WHOSE Approval ?"

2nd.Timothy 2:14-19 "Of those things put them in remembrance, charging them before the LORD that they strive not about words to no profit, but to the subverting of the hearers. Study to show thyself approved unto GOD, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the WORD of truth. But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness. And their word will eat as doth a canker (cancer): of whom is Hymeneus and Philetus: who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some. Nevertheless the foundation of GOD standeth sure, having this seal. The LORD knoweth them that are HIS. And, let everyone that nameth the name of CHRIST depart from iniquity (sin)."
     Throughout the letters of 1 and 2 Timothy, Paul admonishes his son in the faith, Timothy, to be a man of GOD who honors and glorifies the LORD above all. He wants Timothy to be a person of integrity whom people can follow -- not as some cult leader but as one who uprightly, with a faith that is absolutely pure from distortion, dilution, or doctrinal defection. Every chapter in these two wonderful letters to Timothy as well as in the epistle to Titus spells out for pastors and for those who are under their direction something important to implement into their daily lives.
     It is only through the Scriptures that the man of GOD can discern what to do and how to behave. One of the characteristics every pastor should manifest is that he is to be diligent in the WORD; put simply, it is his duty to carefully delve into the Bible when he prepares to feed GOD's people. Within the word "study" (v.15 pictured at top of post) is the ideal of persistent zeal. Correctly understanding the Scriptures is something the LORD expects the pastor to pursue with due diligence; he is to stick with it, exercising the mental capacities he has been given by GOD. Today, it seems that too many pastors have other priorities for their time. While some of their obligations may indeed be important, often church leaders are neglecting what it takes to present substantial spiritual meals for the body of CHRIST when they gather together corporately to hear the teaching of GOD's WORD. Pastor, put forth the proper effort when you preach the WORD; fellow believer, enable your pastor to have adequate time to study so that your church can "grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST" (2nd. Peter 3:18 pictured above).
     It is fascinating to consider the reasons people give when asked what motivates them to do a particular service, activity, or job. Some state that they are striving to improve the lives of people in economically disadvantaged regions of the world. Others claim their desire is to leave the planet a better place for their children. Many admit that they are living for power, prestige, or prosperity. The list is endless. 
     What, then, should drive a pastor -- or any other believer -- to live according to the teachings of Scripture ? Every child of GOD should walk in such a way that will meet with the LORD's commendation (v.15 pictured above). It is imperative to understand that GOD approves certain things but does not tolerate other things. How can we determine what HE accepts and what HE rejects ? Again, we must return to the beginning of verse fifteen where we find the word "study." Pastors, Sunday school teachers, or any other church leaders must communicate only that which meets with GOD's approval, for HE cares about the accuracy of the message given by those who articulate HIS WORD to others.
     The word "approved" (v.15) means that after something has been tested or examined, it is determined to be acceptable, having met specific requirements or expectations. In this verse, those who are "approved" have fulfilled what GOD has intended for them. Romans 14:18, 16:10, both pictured above, and other passages use this word in the same way. In everything we do throughout the day, we must remember that our purpose is to glorify the LORD. Do our thoughts and deeds meet HIS expectations for HIS followers ? Let us live in such a way that we "may please HIM" (v.4) every moment of every day.
     The reason for diligent, persistent, fervent labor in the study of GOD's WORD is not so the pastor or layperson can merely answer some Bible trivia questions or respond to every question that he is asked. It is not simply so he can attain good grades or academic awards while attending Bible college or seminary. And it certainly is not so he can impress intellectuals with his knowledge of what is found in Scripture, which is insignificant or worthless anyway as far as this world system is concerned. Rather, the ultimate motivation for the attentive, fervent study of the WORD of Truth is so that the child of GOD can gain the LORD's approval of his life and ministry.
     How does any believer know that he or she has met with GOD's approbation (approval) ? The LORD does not sit us down in a formal classroom and give us written tests in order to ascertain our knowledge of HIS WORD. Rather, the approval of GOD is determined by how a person handles the Scriptures, especially amid temptations and influences to compromise and misapply what the WORD teaches. Do we consistently interpret what the text actually says, or do we make it mean something that fits our own personal agenda ?
     One example of a biblical text that is often mishandled is Proverbs 22:28; 23:10, which speaks of not moving ancient boundaries. This command is about not stealing another's property and has nothing to do with changing one's principles or ministry touchstones. Plenty of texts do, indeed, teach the continuation of godly standards, but attempting to use these verses in Proverbs to make this point is not a valid interpretation of Scripture. Only the proper handling of GOD's WORD will meet with HIS approval. GDF
Your servant in CHRIST,
Copyright,  FEATURE: A Daily Bible Study Guide.
Used  with  permission.



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