Saturday, January 9, 2016

" Foundational Truth "

Genesis 1:1   "In the beginning GOD created the heaven and the earth. "

     At least three  "beginnings"  are mentioned in the Scriptures. John 1:1 takes us into uncharted territory when it says,  "In the beginning was the WORD." This is the unbeginning beginning - eternity past: CHRIST has always been the WORD, with GOD, HIMSELF GOD. When the universe was created, the WORD was already there. When John writes in his first epistle of  "that which was from the beginning"  (1st.John 1:1), he is speaking of the beginning of a new dispensation - the beginning of Christianity when the truth was revealed in JESUS CHRIST. Today's text refers to the beginning of creation - "In the beginning GOD created the heaven and the earth."  It was the LORD GOD WHO did it; HE was there; HE brought the universe into existence. This foundational truth introduces the foundational book of the Bible; clearly it is the book of beginnings. Genesis records nine particular beginnings - the beginning of the earth as man's habitation, the human race, human sin, redemptive revelation, the human family, godless civilization, nations, human languages, and the Hebrew race.
     The late Dr. Henry Morris wrote in The Genesis Record, "If a person really believes Genesis 1:1, he will not find it difficult to believe anything else recorded in the Bible. That is, if GOD really created all things, then HE controls all things and can do all things."  Genesis chapter one is not myth; it is divine revelation. Thus, an understanding of the foundational truths of Genesis is the basis for understanding the rest of the Bible. It is vital to know the foundational truths concerning GOD, the universe, mankind, society, sin, the races, and Salvation. Yes -  "In the beginning GOD ... " JED
Your servant in CHRIST,
Copyright, Feature: A Daily Bible Study Guide.
Used  with  permission.


  1. Replies
    1. Brenda, Hi ! How have you been ? Thank You, truth is always "excellent" and I love sharing it !
      Your servant in CHRIST,
