Thursday, November 7, 2019

" Life Through HIS Name "

John 20:30-31  " And many other signs truly did JESUS in the presence of HIS disciples, which are not written in this book: but these are written, that ye might believe that JESUS is the CHRIST, the SON of GOD; and that believing ye might have life through HIS name."
     We can personally know the CREATOR GOD. How ? We can know HIM through faith alone in the person and work of the GOD-MAN, JESUS CHRIST. This is exactly what John tells us in the introduction to his Gospel (John 1:1-18), and this is the declarative truth that sets Christianity apart from ALL the other religions of the world.
     The thesis of the Gospel of John is in today's text. The Apostle John wrote his book to all people - Jew and Gentile alike - so they would believe that JESUS CHRIST was/is GOD and would receive eternal life through believing in the person and work of the LORD JESUS. We can have a personal knowledge of GOD and a relationship with HIM because of ONE PERSON - the MAN CHRIST JESUS (1st.Timothy 2:5). Notice John 1:1, for the Apostle opens his book with a discussion of "the WORD." WHO is the WORD ? What is the WORD ? We learn from the first eighteen verses of John chapter one that the WORD is JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF (note the progression of terms relating to JESUS through these opening verses: WORD, GOD, LIFE, LIGHT, JESUS CHRIST, only begotten SON). "The WORD" is another name for JESUS CHRIST, yet it is a vitally important name because it reveals to us that JESUS CHRIST is the logos - the "COMMUNICATION" of GOD to man. No man has ever seen GOD the FATHER, and no man will ever see the FATHER since GOD is SPIRIT (John 1:18 cf. 4:24 cloud picture above). But the WORD, JESUS CHRIST, is GOD's communication to mankind. GOD loves us so much that HE sent "the WORD" - HIS only begotten SON - into the world so we might be able to have a personal relationship with HIM. What a glorious thought ! PRAISE GOD for HIS perfect love and HIS desire for fellowship with HIS creation. MDC
Your servant in CHRIST,
Copyright, FEATURE: A Daily Bible Study Guide.
Used  with  permission.

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