Saturday, June 8, 2024

" Unclaimed Grace ! "

John 3:16 "For GOD so loved the world, that HE gave HIS only begotten SON, that whosoever believeth in HIM should not perish, but have everlasting life."

I once heard someone give this acrostic to represent the word GRACE:

G - GOD's
R - Rich's
A - AT
E - Expense

Grace, the word itself is pleasant to the ear and many baby girls, over the years, have been given this word Grace as their name. A simple meaning for the word grace is "unmerited favor." But what does it mean to refuse grace ? First, we must understand what it means to accept grace, and in this case, GOD's grace.

One of my favorite stories, in Scripture, is the story of Joseph in Genesis Chapters 37-50. GOD revealed HIMSELF early in the life of Joseph, but his family did not understand about how the LORD had revealed HIMSELF to Joseph through the many dreams he was given. Joseph's father had a special relationship with Joseph, which caused anger and jealousy between him and his ten other brothers. His brothers plotted to get rid of him, but instead sold him into slavery to traders going to Egypt. His brothers told a story (a lie) to their father that Joseph must have been killed and dragged off by a wild animal.

Now we skip ahead many years, in Joseph's life, and we see that the LORD is with him even as a slave in Potipher's house. Potipher's wife falsely accuses Joseph of attacking her (a lie) and got him tossed into prison. While in prison two of Pharoah's servants got themselves into trouble and were also tossed into prison with Joseph. Joseph had found favor (grace) in prison and was treated well. Pharoah's two servants both had dreams that Joseph, with GOD's help, was able to interpret. One servant was restored to Pharoah, the other was hung from a tree.

Joseph told the restored servant to remember him to Pharoah and when the time was right, he did. Pharoah was having dreams that no one was able to interpret, and the restored servant remembered Joseph and told Pharoah about him. Joseph was cleaned up and brought to Pharaoh to interpret his dreams. The dreams were so crucial to the survival of all the Egyptian nation and people that Pharoah made Joseph second in command. GOD had been with Joseph to save millions and millions of people from a terrible famine that would last 7 years. But this famine was not only in the land of Egypt it also was in the land of Canaan, where his entire family lived.
Joseph was put in charge of bringing in much of the harvest of grains for 7 years, so that when the 7 years of famine came there would be enough to take care of all the people. It had been many, many years since Joseph had seen any of his family, but one day some of his brothers came to Egypt to buy food and Joseph saw them. They did not know him, but he recognized them right away. Now, he could have been harsh for what they had done to him. He could have easily had them killed. But, no, remember our word GRACE. He did the unthinkable, to make a long story short, he revealed himself to them and had his whole family brought to Egypt. Their father Jacob was old, advanced in years, and died there in Egypt, but not till after he saw his beloved son, Joseph.

After Jacob's death, the ten brothers were afraid that Joseph would take vengeance on them for what they had done to him and in Genesis 50:19-21 we read, "And Joseph said unto them, Fear not: for am I in the place of GOD ? But as for you, ye thought evil against me: but GOD meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive. Now therefore fear ye not: I will nourish you, and your little ones. And he comforted them, and spake kindly unto them." 

Joseph knew the "grace" of GOD all through his journey from Canaan to Egypt. If Joseph would not have received GOD's grace in his life, the whole nation of Israel would not exist. There are other stories, too numerous to mention, of GOD's grace being accepted by men and women who then did amazing things. Think of Noah and the ark. What would have happened if Noah had not "found grace in the eyes of the LORD" ? Also, King David was able to subdue a giant, and received a kingdom, all because he accepted GOD's gift of grace. The Apostle Paul, who started out as Saul, was a murderer of those in the early church. The LORD came to him on the road to Damascus and told him where to go to receive the "grace" of GOD through the Gospel. Much of the New Testament was written by him and think of how many churches were started on his missionary journeys, because Paul accepted GOD's grace.

As I said, the examples of how GOD's grace is accepted are many, and in so doing it changes the lives of people for the better, to do amazing things for GOD and for the people around them. But this post is called "Unclaimed Grace". When a person turns their back on GOD's grace, they turn their back on forgiveness, a better life here, eternal life in Heaven, a chance to see their family saved. In my own life, I can't even imagine where I would be today without GOD's unmerited favor, GRACE. I probably would be either dead or divorced or maybe even both. Some of my Grandchildren would not be saved. I would not be doing this blog and sending out the Gospel to see the fruits of it when I am in Heaven. Yes, in Heaven with my blessed LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST WHO saved me and is the GIVER of this grace in which I stand.

The LORD showed me HIS grace 50 years ago and I could have never imagined what HE had in store for me all those years ago. My husband of 49+ years, also got saved, but would that of happened if I would not have accepted GOD's gift of GRACE. See the picture at the top of the post. It is a picture of a sea of unopened gifts. These unopened gifts represent all the Grace that has been offered, over the thousands of years of mankind, by GOD. HIS gift of grace was given through the death burial and resurrection of HIS only begotten SON, JESUS. HE offers this gift of GRACE every day, all day long, to millions and millions around the world; but what does HE hear, silence, ridicule, laughter, and hearts hardened by sin. It is never too late to accept GOD's gift of grace, unless you die without it. Then it is too late. At that point, your eternity is sealed in a Devil's Hell.

How much has unclaimed grace hurt you, your family, the nation, and the world ? GOD has a path for every man, but most never know of it, nor accept it. This unclaimed grace just sits and waits for the owners to come and receive it by faith. Come to JESUS and claim that gift of grace by receiving JESUS as your personal LORD and SAVIOR. Below are some Scriptures that tell us that we are sinners, who need a SAVIOR. GOD sent HIS only begotten SON into the world to save sinners, like you, like me. Come to HIM in repentance (a turning to GOD from your sin) and faith, believing that what HE did, HE did for you, and CLAIM HIS AMAZING GIFT of GRACE ! 
Your servant in CHRIST,


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