Psalm 1:4-6 "The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away. Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish."
Regarding the topic of the "ungodly" (vv.1,4), we read in today's text that the wicked are in great peril. The precarious condition of the ungodly is emphasized in the underlying Hebrew, wherein "not" is the first word of verse four; it could literally read, "Not so, not so. . ." In contrast to the stability and steadfastness of the godly man (vv.1-3), "the ungodly" -- those who remain in their fallen, sinful state -- are not secure, well-nourished, or thriving. This verse clearly declares how strikingly opposite the state of the ungodly man is from that of the godly person; it describes him as being "like the chaff" (pictured below). In other words, those who oppose the LORD are useless and unprofitable. Chaff is not beneficial for anything lasting or meaningful, and the method of harvesting wheat back in Old Testament times vividly illustrates this point. When farmers winnowed their crops, they would toss the grains into the air; the wind would then carry away the debris and husks while the wheat, barley, oats, etc., fell back down to the ground, enabling the farmer to collect only the desired product.
Just as chaff is blown away by the wind, so the ungodly will not outlast their coming judgment. As we will see in the final verses of this psalm, the ungodly are in great danger, for they are headed toward ultimate doom because of their spiritual condition. While their lives may seem significant and important to everyone else, Judgment Day will reveal their true nature and worth. The instability and emptiness of the ungodly ought to be a warning and a sober reminder to believers today. Do we realize how fleeting this earthly life is and how desperately the lost need to hear of the SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST ?
In this final consideration of the godly versus the wicked, notice the fate of the ungodly (vv.5-6) -- he will "not stand in the judgment." This does not mean he will bypass GOD's judgment; rather, the idea is that he will not be able to legitimately justify his actions as they are scrutinized under the light of GOD's revealed truth when Judgment Day comes. In other words, he cannot "stand" in CHRIST's righteousness; his unbelief condemns him (John 3:18 pictured above). The psalmist further notes that "sinners" will not be among "the congregation of the righteous"; those who have chosen to reject the saving grace of GOD will not be found among believers. The LORD will ultimately separate the two groups, and unbelievers will have no basis for inclusion with GOD's people.
Today's text coincides with other Bible passages concerning the judgments GOD will execute. Ezekiel 20:33-44 says that in the future judgment of Israel, the LORD will "purge out from among you the rebels" (Ezekiel 20:38 pictured above). This complements JESUS' parable in which the five foolish virgins are prohibited from entering the kingdom (Matthew 25:10-12) as well as HIS parable of the "unprofitable servant" who is cast into "outer darkness" rather than entering "into the joy of the LORD" (Matthew 25:14-30). JESUS also spoke of the post-tribulation judgment upon Gentile nations out of which HE will separate the goats (Matthew 25:41,46). Psalm 1:5-6 likewise harmonizes with Revelation 20:11-15 pictured above) which describes the Great White Throne Judgment wherein all who appear there are cast into the Lake of Fire. Every soul facing that throne is doomed, unable to offer any legitimate defense for his or her unbelief. The fate of the ungodly is as tragic as it is unnecessary. GDF
Your servant in CHRIST,
Copyright, FEATURE: A Daily Bible Study Guide.
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