Friday, September 27, 2013

" Humility - An Action Word "

Humility is a word that is rarely used or practiced. There is so much spoken of today about self-esteem or being proud of yourself. But what has happened to the art of humility.
Our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST, during HIS earthly ministry, was the supreme example of humility. In the book of Matth.11:28-30, JESUS said, " Come to ME all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest." "Take my yoke upon you and learn from ME for I am meek and lowly (humble) in heart and you will find rest for your souls." "For MY yoke is easy and MY burden is light."
Christians are exhorted to: " Put on Humility in Col.3:12,"  "Be clothed with Humility in 1st.Pet.5:5," "Walk with Humility in Eph.4:1-2" and " Avoid false humility in  Col.2:18-23."
There are so many examples of humility in GOD's WORD that you get a sense that it is a virtue that GOD can work with and use for HIS glory and will result in blessings for the humble Christian. There are examples of humility in the life of Moses in Exod.3:11, in the life of Daniel in Dan.2:30, in the life of John the Baptist in John 3:29-30 and of course the complete earthly ministry of CHRIST.
Humility is not a weakness as some would think, because our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST was the most humble man and yet HE was not weak in any way shape or form.
Humility is a quiet assurance of ones importance without a flaunting pride. When CHRIST  would teach or preach to the crowds the people would sense that HE was different from the religious leaders. In Matth.7:28-29 it states - And so it was, when JESUS had ended these sayings, that the people were astonished at HIS teachings, for HE taught them as one having authority and not as the scribes.
Humility is in great need today, especially in the Christian realm. Our nation is in big trouble and spiraling downward faster than I ever thought possible.  GOD says in HIS WORD in the the book of 2nd Chron. 7:14 " If MY people who are called by MY name will humble themselves and pray and seek MY face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land."
Christian Brother or Sister humble yourselves, pray, seek HIS face and turn from your wicked way - GOD can still and does work with a heart that is sold out humbly to HIM.
IF YOU ARE NOT A CHRISTIAN then today is the day of salvation for you. JESUS took your place and paid the debt you owed for your sin, on the cross of Calvary. HE rose from the grave and is sitting at the right hand of GOD the FATHER waiting for you to pray and ask HIM to forgive you and to come into your heart and save you. HE loves you more than you can ever know. Today could be your day of salvation !!!
Your servant in CHRIST,

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

" Fearfully and Wonderfully Made " from Psalm 139

Everyone who loves the WORD of GOD usually has a special Psalm or passage that is near and dear to them. Psalm 139 is mine and I can easily tell you why, by asking a few questions:
1.) Do you ever feel alone, lonely or that no one even knows your name ?
2.) Do you think that you can hide who you are from everyone ?
3.) Do you think that you can do anything you want, no one will see ?
4.) Do you think that you were an accident of birth ?
5.) GOD doesn't know me, HE has more important things to do ?
Of course we have all felt alone, we have all tried to hide our real selves, we have all tried to get away with just about everything. OH !!! and by the way there is no such thing as an accident of birth and GOD does know who you are, and HE is constantly listening to hear from you !!!

                                       PSALM 139: 1-24
O LORD, YOU have searched me and known me, YOU know my sitting down and my rising up; YOU understand my thoughts afar off.
YOU comprehend my path and my lying down, and are acquainted with all my ways. For there is not a word on my tongue, but behold, O LORD, YOU know it altogether. YOU have hedged me behind and before, and laid YOUR  hand upon me; it is high, I cannot attain it.

Where can I go from YOUR SPIRIT ? Or where can I flee from YOUR presence ? If I ascend into heaven, YOU are there; If I make my bed in Sheol (hell), behold YOU are there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there YOUR hand shall lead me, and YOUR right hand shall hold me. If I say, "Surely the darkness shall fall on me, " even the night shall be light about me; indeed, the darkness shall not hide from YOU, but the night shines as the day; the darkness and the light are both alike to YOU.
For YOU have formed my inward parts; YOU have covered me in my mother's womb.

I will praise YOU, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are YOUR works, and that my soul knows very well.

My frame was not hidden from YOU,  when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. YOUR eyes saw my substance being yet unformed. And in YOUR book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them.
How precious also are YOUR thoughts to me, O GOD ! How great is the sum of them ! If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand; when I awake, I am still with YOU.

Oh, that YOU would slay the wicked, O GOD ! Depart from me, therefore you bloodthirsty men. For they speak against YOU wickedly; YOUR enemies take YOUR name in vain. Do I not hate them, O LORD, who hate YOU ? And do I not loathe those who rise up against YOU ? I hate them with perfect hatred; I count them my enemies.

Search me, O GOD, and know my heart; try me, and know my anxieties; and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Psalm 139: 1-24

The Psalm above is one that GOD had David write. GOD wanted us to know that HE knows everything about us because all souls ( which each one of us have) originate from GOD. ALL souls ( which means you and me ) will live somewhere forever. GOD the FATHER made a way for each of us to have fellowship with HIM, but until you accept / admit in your heart that you are a sinner and that JESUS's death on the cross was the payment that GOD the FATHER required, and ask JESUS into your heart to forgive you and save you from the penalty of your sin, you are lost and on your way to a devils hell.  Today is the day of salvation, you may not have a tomorrow.
Your servant in CHRIST,

Saturday, September 21, 2013

" The Heart of Man is Desperately Wicked, . . . . . . . . . Who Can Know It ? "

Anyone watching their local or national news these days would soon become overwhelmed with a serious case of depression, fear or anger. The human race does not seem to be doing very well. We see how many foreign countries seem to be just one conflict away from war. We wonder why they just can't get along and treat each other with kindness. But look into our own nation. Many of our largest cities are just one gang or one strike or one riot away from complete chaos as well as being deeply in debt financially. I have also heard many people asked the question: Would you say that people are basically good ? Most people used to say that they thought that people were basically good, I wonder if that question was asked again, would the answer still be the same ?
GOD says in HIS WORD, that the heart of man is desperately wicked, that only HE knows the truth that lies just below the surface in each one of us. OH !!! And before you protest saying that you could never do the evil things that OTHER PEOPLE do.  YOU could be that other person easier and so fast that it would make your head spin. In a flash, you may be pushed to your limit. Someone could say or do something in your presence or while your wife, children or other family members are with you that just enrages you to the point of being out of control.
Ask any parent, they don't have to teach the smallest child to lie. We are born with a sin nature and lying in very young children is one of our first indications of that nature.
Before GOD brought on the Great Flood of Genesis Chapters 7 & 8 HE states in HIS WORD, Gen.6:5 - Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. It took Noah 120 years to build the ark and all that time he also was a witness to what GOD was going to do, flood the entire earth. Still only 8 persons were saved inside the ark, besides the animals that GOD brought to Noah. Just think of it, there were possibly millions of people who watched or heard of Noah building this big boat and NO ONE but Mrs.Noah, their 3 Sons & there 3 daughter-in-laws went into the ark with Noah and the animals, everyone else died because they would not believe Noah's witness !!!  Also JESUS, after HE had healed a paralyzed man read the minds and hearts of those who were there watching HIM and HE said to them in Matthew 9:4 - But JESUS, knowing their thoughts, said, "Why do you think evil in your hearts ?"
The LORD knows every thought, good or evil, of every single person who has ever lived, who currently is living or who has died and either gone to a devils hell  ( there is no such place as purgatory ) or to a heavenly home with the LORD. If you are a true Christian, the LORD states in HIS WORD, Absent from the body, present with the LORD ( no purgatory ).
In the book of Jeremiah, GOD states in HIS WORD that HE has a purpose and a plan for each one of us. Jer.29:11 - For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.  One of my relatives once asked me this question - If Adolph Hitler would have accepted the LORD as his personal SAVIOR and asked JESUS to forgive him, would Hitler be in heaven.  I told them that definitely yes, if Hitler would have accepted the LORD as his SAVIOR he would have gone to heaven. This person stated that they would not want to be in a heaven that would allow such an evil man into it. I told them if how much evil a person was guilty of, was the criteria of how we get into heaven, then none of us  would be able to get there. For in the book of Romans, GOD says that ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of GOD. 
The only way any of us can have a place in heaven with the LORD is if we were perfect and without sin of any kind.  Look in the mirror, look at the person next to you, look into the eyes of your children. Do you see anyone anywhere that is perfect and without sin ???  NO !!!!  That is what GOD the FATHER requires for us to have a relationship with HIM or for us to live with HIM forever when we die.
John 3:16 is one of the most well known verses because it sums up in the fewest of words what GOD has done for us and how much HE loves us - For GOD so loved the world (mankind) that HE gave (a free gift) HIS only begotten SON (the very best) that whomsoever (anyone) believes in HIM (comes to HIM as you are) should not perish (go to hell) but have everlasting life (live in the beauty of heaven with the LORD forever).  This is a free gift that GOD gave to an undeserving mankind. This is also why no amount of works that you try to do will ever get even one pinkie toe into heaven.  Trust the LORD, believe that HE came to die and pay the price for your sinful nature. Ask HIM to come into your heart and save you. HE will and HE will also replace that evil heart of stone with a new heart of flesh.  PLEASE don't delay, today is the day of salvation, you may not have a tomorrow !!!!
Your servant in CHRIST,

Thursday, September 19, 2013

" You must change with the times, it's nearly 2026 don't ya know !!! "

I was listening to our local news tonight. They had asked a question about religion and the current issues that seem to divide and cause people not to participate in their local churches, such as abortion, homosexuality, women clergy and the like.  The overwhelming response from FB users was " Get with the times, it's 2025 don't ya know ", or " Religion has to change to keep up with the times, it's 2025 " and " That's why I don't go to church, religion has outdated rules ".
Well I have a bulletin for everyone that thinks that way. Religion may have to change to keep up with the times, BUT becoming or being a Christian has nothing to do with a religion, it has to do with having a relationship with the GOD that created everything including you and me.
" In the beginning GOD created the heavens and the earth " Gen.1:1
Then GOD said, " Let US make man in OUR image, according to OUR likeness, let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."  Gen.1:26
GOD'S WORD of TRUTH does not change, HE and HIS WORD do not change, will not change and cannot change because they are forever and eternally written and settled in heaven. GOD is the same yesterday, today and forever. AMEN and AMEN. If GOD or GOD'S WORD changed with the times then it would be full of lies and contradictions and no longer GOD'S inerrant, perfect and awe inspiring WORD.
TRUTH, just by its very meaning and nature is just that, the truth. GOD'S nature is that HE cannot lie. So when HE states a law, rule, fact or makes any other statement. IT IS THE TRUTH.
So when HE in HIS WORD states that abortion is murder Prov.6:17, homosexuality is a sin Rom.1:26-32 and GOD does not call a women to be a pastor over a church 1st.Tim.3:1-7, it is the TRUTH not just suggestions for discussion, but are to be followed.  There are really so many things that GOD has stated in HIS WORD that we are or aren't to do that I can't put them all here now.
BUT there is something that all of us need to do before anything else, that is realize we as individuals have sinned against an ALL HOLY GOD and deserve nothing but HIS righteous judgement and wrath. But HE loves us for some reason that is only known to HIM. Some say HE loves us because GOD is love. But I know that HE loves me because HE sent HIS only SON, JESUS CHRIST to pay the price required, by GOD the FATHER for my sin, and for yours. GOD the SON, JESUS CHRIST came at a specific time in history, allowed the Roman Government to crucify HIM on a Roman cross ( the mode of punishment or torture at the time ), rose from the dead on the third day and is currently seated at the right hand of the FATHER, making intercession for HIS children ( true Christians ). Believe, pray and ask JESUS to come into your heart and save you, HE will because HE loves you !!!
So be very, very glad that neither GOD nor GOD's WORD will ever change with the times. HIS WORD is always relevant to and for every situation. You can count on what HE says always and forever, AMEN !!!
Your servant in CHRIST,

Monday, September 16, 2013

" Does __________ (your name) have NO SHAME ?" Part # 3 (Final Part)

We have been looking into different aspects of why every man, woman or child should feel ashamed and or guilty. We have all sinned against a HOLY GOD.  In Romans 3:9-18, 23 GOD states - What then ? Are we better than they ? Not at all. For we have previously charged both Jews and Gentiles that they are ALL under sin. As it is written: There is none righteous, no not one. There is none who understands; There is none who seeks after GOD. They have all gone out of the way: They have together become unprofitable. There is NONE  who does good, no not one. Their throat is an open tomb; With their tongues they have practiced deceit. The poison of asps(snakes) is under there lips; Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness. Their feet are swift to shed blood. Destruction and misery are in their ways. And the way of peace they have not known. There is no fear of GOD before their eyes. For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of GOD.
Because all of us have sinned ( lying, cheating, sex outside of marriage which includes adultery & living together, abortion, homosexuality, idol worship, pride, coveting other peoples property, murder, stealing and much more ) none of us can get into heaven or have fellowship with a HOLY GOD. Before the world or anything was even created, GOD the FATHER, GOD the SON and GOD the HOLY SPIRIT made a plan that GOD the SON would be born of a virgin ( at the right time ), would grow up in human form, heal diseases, raise the dead and preach the gospel to those that the religious leaders would never talk to, because those kinds of people were sinners and beneath them.
In Romans 6:23 GOD states - For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of GOD is eternal life in CHRIST JESUS our LORD.  The death that this verse is talking about is not only the physical death but a spiritual death and separation from a HOLY GOD and the home that HE would have prepared for you in heaven.  No amount of works can get us into heaven. No amount of works can pay for our sin.
GOD required a perfect, sinless sacrifice as payment for our sin. That HE got when JESUS was crucified on the cross, buried and rose again on the If JESUS would not have risen from the dead, that would have meant that GOD the FATHER was not satisfied with the sacrifice, but JESUS did raise from the dead and is seated at the right hand ( the hand of power ) of the FATHER making intersession for us.
OUR SIN OF ALL KINDS had separated us from a HOLY GOD, but JESUS paid the price for our sin and now all we have to do is accept HIS precious gift of salvation. Call upon JESUS in prayer, ask HIM to come into your heart and life as your LORD and SAVIOR, HE will, HE is waiting to come in as Revelation 3:20 states - Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears MY voice and opens the door ( HE will not force HIS way in ), I will come into him and dine with him, and he with ME !!!
DON'T  DELAY !!!!  Today is the day of salvation, tomorrow may be too late !!!
Your servant in CHRIST,

Friday, September 13, 2013

" Do WE have No SHAME ??? " Part # 2

As most of you know, Syria has been in the news because their leader has used chemical weapons against his own people and especially children have been killed by these horrible weapons.  Our President and many in his cabinet have shown great morale outrage at what Syria's leader has done.
I have found it most interesting that we show outrage at chemical weapons being used but what if these same people who died from the chemical weapons were lined up and each one executed via firing squad, would that be acceptable ???  Of course not !!! The Syrian leader, has been accused of being responsible for killing more than 100,000 of his own people during their civil war over the past few years.
But I know of a country that has killed more than 64,000,000 ( the equivalent of about 6 1/2 cities the size of NY ) people. These people would have grown up to be Dr.'s, Mothers, Fathers, Presidents, Artists, Nurses, Teachers, Police Officers, Preachers, and our neighbors. They would have been scientists whom GOD would have given the knowledge for curing all kinds of diseases, who would have had the answers to many of today's most worrisome issues, but NO they were killed before they ever got the chance to contribute one Nobel Prize, one Cure for Cancer, one Game Winning Touchdown or one Kiss that would have made their parents proud when they did the right thing. They never got to see the face of the one that didn't want them (but they will one day), nor did they ever get to see their first birthday or any of their birthdays because they were murdered in the womb by the person that was blessed with their life (Psalm 139). I also can't figure out how Dr.s can do this killing since in their oath to be a Dr. it states " First do no harm ".
Yes I know that Roe vs.Wade was ratified in the early 70's but that does not make it right. As a nation, we have allowed the slaughter of more than 64,000,000 of our citizens and GOD WILL NOT OVERLOOK IT !!!. HE says in HIS WORD of TRUTH in Prov.6:16-19 " These six things the LORD hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to HIM: A haughty (proud) look. A lying tongue. HANDS THAT SHED INNOCENT BLOOD. A heart that devices wicked plans. Feet that are swift in running to evil. A false witness who speaks lies. And one who sows discord among the brethren ( Among true Christian's )."  Also in the book of Isaiah 1:15 HE says, " When you spread out your hands, ( in prayer ) I will hide MY eyes from you; Even though you make many prayers I will not hear, your hands are full of blood. "
As a nation, we should not point out the specks in other countries eyes until we get the plank out of our own eye. We as individuals have much to answer for before GOD and we have no way on our own to pay for our sin. That is why GOD the FATHER sent GOD the SON down to earth to pay our sin debt. GOD loves you right where you are but as sinners we cannot enter into fellowship with HIM without our sin debt being paid. Accept that you have sinned against a HOLY GOD, repent and ask JESUS to come into your hearts and make you clean, saved and washed by the ultimate payment for your sin by our WONDERFUL SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST !!!!
Your servant in CHRIST,

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

" Do YOU have NO SHAME ? " ( Part # 1 )

GOOD DAY to One & ALL,  This is going to be one of those blogs that I told you at the first that it may take you out of your comfort zone ! The subject today is, as you can see by the title, shame. I don't know about anyone else, but there seems to be no shame shown by anyone when they do something shameful. Let me give just a short definition of the word shame - a feeling or acknowledgement of guilt.

I find myself being ashamed of how women either dress themselves or the little ladies that they are raising.  When certain commercials come on the TV & my husband is watching with me, I blush internally because he knows that the women on these commercials ( and spots of the TV shows themselves ) are showing women / young girls in a less than modest attire. We have talked many times about the subject & we have both come to the conclusion that if there was a pervert peeking into a women's or young ladies bedroom and saw them in their unmentionables that the cops would be called and he would be treated most harshly, and correctly so. BUT those same women / young ladies do not think it shameful to walk around outside, in the malls, on the beach, at work, at church or anywhere else in clothing that barely covers anymore than their undergarments do.  Modesty does not mean that you are any less of a women or young lady. It just means that you care enough about yourself to cover those parts of yourself that is not free for eyes to sample. GOD talks about shame in HIS WORD, in Jeremiah 3:3 HE states - " Therefore the showers have been withheld, and there has been no latter rain. You have had a harlots forehead, and you refuse to be ashamed. " Also in Zephaniah 3:5 - " The LORD is righteous, HE is in her midst. HE will do no unrighteousness. Every morning HE brings HIS justice to light. HE never fails, BUT the unjust know no shame. "
Now if you are a professing / possessing Christian women then you know that the LORD only wants the very best for you and modesty is up near the top of HIS list of care that a Christian women / young lady should do for themselves, their husband or family & most of all for their LORD. For HE states in 1st.Timothy 2:9 & 10 - " In like manner also, that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing, but which is proper for women ( also young ladies ) professing godliness, with good works. " Also in 1st.Peter 3:3 & 4 - " Do not let your beauty only be that outward adorning of arranging the hair, of wearing gold, or of putting on fine apparel, but  let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible ornament of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of GOD. "
WOMEN don't think that I am singling you out for chastisement only, but you  have been used as evil instruments of sexuality by Satan far too long. Satan has you wrapped around his little finger. He has you believing that the only way to be liberated is to look like a harlot, act like a man and raise your daughters to be even more so. I weep when I see mothers & daughters walking down the street looking like hookers. Actually the few hookers I have seen are more modestly dressed in some ways than the ordinary mother and daughter walking down the street or on the beach. I pray that there will be an awakening / or revival starting with women. That they will look at their daughters, then  in the mirror, then in their closets and ask GOD to teach them how to be godly women and young ladies.
SHAME is the subject but it doesn't stop with Part # 1.  We will be discussing other aspects and times when we should be ashamed ( men also ) but our hearts are so hardened and corrupted that shame or guilt do not even come to mind.
There was a time when our LORD JESUS CHRIST " Endured the cross, despising the shame " for you and me. We were born sinners, on our way to a devils hell, but GOD sent HIS only begotten SON to earth, born of a woman. HE was the sinless LAMB of GOD that took away the sin of the world. HIS death on the cross has already paid the price that GOD the FATHER required for you and I to become children of GOD. Just pray & admit to GOD that you are a sinner and that you believe that JESUS died to pay the price for your sin, ask JESUS to come into your heart and save you. HE will, HE loves you and wants you to be HIS child. Accept HIM today before it is too late !!!
Your servant in CHRIST,

Saturday, September 7, 2013

" Where are YOU ? "

Hi Everyone, wherever YOU are. My husband & I moved from PA to FL. We started this journey nearly 16 years ago.  We were watching a FL Real Estate Auction Network. When they showed many homes in the Cape Coral area, we asked the LORD for ONE last GREAT Adventure, so we put our home & land up for sale. Well I thought that it would sell immediately !!! The LORD was going to give us the desire of our heart, but in HIS time, not ours. Timing with the LORD is very important, not so much with me, but HE was about to give my husband and I a lesson. I was so sure that the house would sell, right away, I started packing up the house. First there had to be a clean out of all the unnecessary things that we either did not need or were unable to take with us. Then came the yard sale.  We had lots of showings and interest but no one was able to afford the payments nor the down payment. After about 6 months I stopped packing & started wondering if this GREAT Adventure was just all in my head.  As I had started working towards the sale of our home, the LORD was doing some work of HIS own on us.
Patience has never been a strong suit of mine, my husband is better at that than I am, but the LORD'S timing is all in HIS hand & HE was allowing me to learn that in so many ways and often !!! I was frustrated, angry, anxious, perplexed and even bewildered as to why it was taking so long to sell our home.  2 1/2 years later we decided to take our home and land off of the market for the summer, fall and winter of 2012. Having your home on the market for 2 1/2 years had tired us both out and we needed a break.
Our oldest Granddaughter got married in Oct. of 2012 and I was forced to give up my job of more than 12 years on 12/21/12, which was quite unexpected.  So we felt that the LORD really wanted us to put the house and land back on the market and go with a different realtor, which we did.  We were to put it back on the market after the New Year, which we also did.  The house was under contract almost immediately, which caused another issue to show up. WHERE WERE WE GOING TO MOVE TO ???  Cape Coral FL had always been in my mind and heart. We had purchased a laptop computer just so we could see the listings. I had my heart set on a condo in the Van Loon Condo Complex, but again our precious LORD had to reel us in and send us in the direction HE wanted us to go.  I had been tracking 11 Van Loon Condos for about 3 months. When it was time for us to make a choice on where to purchase, there was not one of them available !!!  But there was a really cute, large condo that had become available for about 2 days then someone put a bid in on it. So we thought that we would have no place to go. PATIENCE again was the WORD that came to mind and one week later that cute, large condo once again became available ( for a GREAT price of course ) right in the heart of Cape Coral.
You may not understand what the big deal is about us moving from PA to FL. FIRST of all I kind of know how Abraham felt when GOD told him to leave his kindred and move to a land that I ( GOD ) will show to you and he left not knowing where he was going to end up. Now my husband and I knew where we were going, but we had never visited FL or vacationed in FL or even when we picked out the condo, it was only by the pictures that we could see on our computer screen. We trusted that our real estate agent, Erik, was trustworthy and that the home inspector was reputable. BUT our real TRUST was put in our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST.  HE put us exactly where HE wanted us, and taught us many lessons in the 3 1/2 years that it took HIM to put us here.
Where are you supposed to be ? Have you  #trusted in the LORD JESUS CHRIST as your personal  #SAVIOR ?  As sinners, bound for an eternity in hell, we are separated from the GOD who created each one of us.  JESUS'S death on the cross, to pay for our sins, made a way for everyone to be saved. John 3:16 says, " For GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON, that whomsoever believes in HIM shall not perish but have #everlasting life. " That WHOMSOEVER is you. So where are you ? On your way to #heaven  or  #hell.  It's you choice.
Your servant in CHRIST,

UPDATE:  We have been here in Florida for almost 8 years; and YES, we are right where the LORD wanted us to be and doing what HE has for us to do !