Tuesday, September 10, 2013

" Do YOU have NO SHAME ? " ( Part # 1 )

GOOD DAY to One & ALL,  This is going to be one of those blogs that I told you at the first that it may take you out of your comfort zone ! The subject today is, as you can see by the title, shame. I don't know about anyone else, but there seems to be no shame shown by anyone when they do something shameful. Let me give just a short definition of the word shame - a feeling or acknowledgement of guilt.

I find myself being ashamed of how women either dress themselves or the little ladies that they are raising.  When certain commercials come on the TV & my husband is watching with me, I blush internally because he knows that the women on these commercials ( and spots of the TV shows themselves ) are showing women / young girls in a less than modest attire. We have talked many times about the subject & we have both come to the conclusion that if there was a pervert peeking into a women's or young ladies bedroom and saw them in their unmentionables that the cops would be called and he would be treated most harshly, and correctly so. BUT those same women / young ladies do not think it shameful to walk around outside, in the malls, on the beach, at work, at church or anywhere else in clothing that barely covers anymore than their undergarments do.  Modesty does not mean that you are any less of a women or young lady. It just means that you care enough about yourself to cover those parts of yourself that is not free for eyes to sample. GOD talks about shame in HIS WORD, in Jeremiah 3:3 HE states - " Therefore the showers have been withheld, and there has been no latter rain. You have had a harlots forehead, and you refuse to be ashamed. " Also in Zephaniah 3:5 - " The LORD is righteous, HE is in her midst. HE will do no unrighteousness. Every morning HE brings HIS justice to light. HE never fails, BUT the unjust know no shame. "
Now if you are a professing / possessing Christian women then you know that the LORD only wants the very best for you and modesty is up near the top of HIS list of care that a Christian women / young lady should do for themselves, their husband or family & most of all for their LORD. For HE states in 1st.Timothy 2:9 & 10 - " In like manner also, that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing, but which is proper for women ( also young ladies ) professing godliness, with good works. " Also in 1st.Peter 3:3 & 4 - " Do not let your beauty only be that outward adorning of arranging the hair, of wearing gold, or of putting on fine apparel, but  let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible ornament of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of GOD. "
WOMEN don't think that I am singling you out for chastisement only, but you  have been used as evil instruments of sexuality by Satan far too long. Satan has you wrapped around his little finger. He has you believing that the only way to be liberated is to look like a harlot, act like a man and raise your daughters to be even more so. I weep when I see mothers & daughters walking down the street looking like hookers. Actually the few hookers I have seen are more modestly dressed in some ways than the ordinary mother and daughter walking down the street or on the beach. I pray that there will be an awakening / or revival starting with women. That they will look at their daughters, then  in the mirror, then in their closets and ask GOD to teach them how to be godly women and young ladies.
SHAME is the subject but it doesn't stop with Part # 1.  We will be discussing other aspects and times when we should be ashamed ( men also ) but our hearts are so hardened and corrupted that shame or guilt do not even come to mind.
There was a time when our LORD JESUS CHRIST " Endured the cross, despising the shame " for you and me. We were born sinners, on our way to a devils hell, but GOD sent HIS only begotten SON to earth, born of a woman. HE was the sinless LAMB of GOD that took away the sin of the world. HIS death on the cross has already paid the price that GOD the FATHER required for you and I to become children of GOD. Just pray & admit to GOD that you are a sinner and that you believe that JESUS died to pay the price for your sin, ask JESUS to come into your heart and save you. HE will, HE loves you and wants you to be HIS child. Accept HIM today before it is too late !!!
Your servant in CHRIST,


  1. Good for you, Julie. It's time someone pointed this out. Wish it had been me. God bless you always, my sister in Christ Jesus.

    1. I have been going back into the archives of the blogs that I did when I first started. This was one of the first 3 posts that I did. There will be a part 2 coming out tomorrow. Not enough time today to get it ready to re-post. I am sure that it will ruffle some feathers. I had barely 250 followers when I first did the blog.

  2. In order words,if our heart is right with God our clothes will follow. Thank you for this wonderful post.

    1. Quest, If our heart belongs to JESUS, GOD in the flesh, then HIS commands are not burdensome but the desire of our hearts should be to imitate HIM, to bring glory to HIM, to honor HIM will all the we do, say, think and yes how we dress. Let me put it this way; JESUS through the HOLY SPIRIT literally lives within the heart of each and every one of HIS Truly Born Again Christian children and HE goes with us everywhere, literally. So when we look in the mirror, WHO is it that is there, JESUS. And those we associate with should know WHO we belong to and should see WHO we belong to. Our outward appearance should demonstrate or show WHO we are on the inside.
      We don't want to put a stumbling block in front of anyone who may be searching for the LORD. I am working on Part 2 and hope to get it posted tonight.
      Your servant in CHRIST,

  3. The eyes of shame are the windows to the soul which weakens the flesh causing our iniquities to flourish. It is more evident today wherever one goes not to be tempted and weakened by the immoral standards of a lifestyle designed to destroy the minds of many. Turning our lives around believing in God's word helps us to refrain from such temptations helping all to steer away from sin and all abominations against the Lord.

    1. Our current and former Pastors both talked about what goes into the eyegate and eargate can either contaminate or encourage us in the LORD ! Some days just having your eyes open or your ears unplugged can be quite contaminating indeed !
