Saturday, September 21, 2013

" The Heart of Man is Desperately Wicked, . . . . . . . . . Who Can Know It ? "

Anyone watching their local or national news these days would soon become overwhelmed with a serious case of depression, fear or anger. The human race does not seem to be doing very well. We see how many foreign countries seem to be just one conflict away from war. We wonder why they just can't get along and treat each other with kindness. But look into our own nation. Many of our largest cities are just one gang or one strike or one riot away from complete chaos as well as being deeply in debt financially. I have also heard many people asked the question: Would you say that people are basically good ? Most people used to say that they thought that people were basically good, I wonder if that question was asked again, would the answer still be the same ?
GOD says in HIS WORD, that the heart of man is desperately wicked, that only HE knows the truth that lies just below the surface in each one of us. OH !!! And before you protest saying that you could never do the evil things that OTHER PEOPLE do.  YOU could be that other person easier and so fast that it would make your head spin. In a flash, you may be pushed to your limit. Someone could say or do something in your presence or while your wife, children or other family members are with you that just enrages you to the point of being out of control.
Ask any parent, they don't have to teach the smallest child to lie. We are born with a sin nature and lying in very young children is one of our first indications of that nature.
Before GOD brought on the Great Flood of Genesis Chapters 7 & 8 HE states in HIS WORD, Gen.6:5 - Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. It took Noah 120 years to build the ark and all that time he also was a witness to what GOD was going to do, flood the entire earth. Still only 8 persons were saved inside the ark, besides the animals that GOD brought to Noah. Just think of it, there were possibly millions of people who watched or heard of Noah building this big boat and NO ONE but Mrs.Noah, their 3 Sons & there 3 daughter-in-laws went into the ark with Noah and the animals, everyone else died because they would not believe Noah's witness !!!  Also JESUS, after HE had healed a paralyzed man read the minds and hearts of those who were there watching HIM and HE said to them in Matthew 9:4 - But JESUS, knowing their thoughts, said, "Why do you think evil in your hearts ?"
The LORD knows every thought, good or evil, of every single person who has ever lived, who currently is living or who has died and either gone to a devils hell  ( there is no such place as purgatory ) or to a heavenly home with the LORD. If you are a true Christian, the LORD states in HIS WORD, Absent from the body, present with the LORD ( no purgatory ).
In the book of Jeremiah, GOD states in HIS WORD that HE has a purpose and a plan for each one of us. Jer.29:11 - For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.  One of my relatives once asked me this question - If Adolph Hitler would have accepted the LORD as his personal SAVIOR and asked JESUS to forgive him, would Hitler be in heaven.  I told them that definitely yes, if Hitler would have accepted the LORD as his SAVIOR he would have gone to heaven. This person stated that they would not want to be in a heaven that would allow such an evil man into it. I told them if how much evil a person was guilty of, was the criteria of how we get into heaven, then none of us  would be able to get there. For in the book of Romans, GOD says that ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of GOD. 
The only way any of us can have a place in heaven with the LORD is if we were perfect and without sin of any kind.  Look in the mirror, look at the person next to you, look into the eyes of your children. Do you see anyone anywhere that is perfect and without sin ???  NO !!!!  That is what GOD the FATHER requires for us to have a relationship with HIM or for us to live with HIM forever when we die.
John 3:16 is one of the most well known verses because it sums up in the fewest of words what GOD has done for us and how much HE loves us - For GOD so loved the world (mankind) that HE gave (a free gift) HIS only begotten SON (the very best) that whomsoever (anyone) believes in HIM (comes to HIM as you are) should not perish (go to hell) but have everlasting life (live in the beauty of heaven with the LORD forever).  This is a free gift that GOD gave to an undeserving mankind. This is also why no amount of works that you try to do will ever get even one pinkie toe into heaven.  Trust the LORD, believe that HE came to die and pay the price for your sinful nature. Ask HIM to come into your heart and save you. HE will and HE will also replace that evil heart of stone with a new heart of flesh.  PLEASE don't delay, today is the day of salvation, you may not have a tomorrow !!!!
Your servant in CHRIST,


  1. Yes. Exactly true. Beautiful post.
    No comments prior to this one ? Now that's a sin!

    1. Gary, Hi ! Sin is not an issue that many people want to deal with or admit. If it were, people would be standing in line to be saved from it and heavens gates would be bulging at the seams ! : - )

    2. AWESOME as usual. Glad to see you back!!!! I was just praying about this tonight. So much evil in this world today. Do you think we can go back? I don't but I have hope in Jesus Christ. He's our ONLY hope. Trump isn't and Hillary sure is not. Only God and He IS in control. God bless you always, Julie!

    3. Brenda, Yes, many people believe that people are "Basically good"; but GOD knows and tells us differently.
