Saturday, October 12, 2013

" Evil has No Shortage of Followers ! "

If you are a person who watches a lot of news, national and local, you are probably half afraid to leave your home or even stay home without an Uzi or at least 3 really big vicious dogs !!!  Detroit and the gangs, famous people who have either family members murdered or commit suicide, bank robberies every day, break-ins, even babies being murdered on a regular and continuous basis, dysfunctional government as well as families, drug homes, pot houses, texting/driving and dying, rape, terrorism.........should I continue, I'm even getting myself a bit panicked !!!! 
I have heard a certain question asked and answered the same way many times over my 60+years of life:   Do you think that humans are basically good ?  Answer: Yes, I think that people are basically good. If you are a disciple of the LORD JESUS CHRIST and HIS WORD, you know that the opposite is true.  The heart of man ( mankind ) is desperately wicked, who can know it ( only GOD ).  If you doubt this you must live  a very sheltered and fairytale life. GOD's WORD is HOLY and completely truthful. HE knows you better than you know yourself and HE knows what we all are capable of as human beings. HE created each one of us. HE gave each one of us life, breath and a living soul, Psalm 139.
GOD has destroyed all life ( except 8 persons, selected pairs of animals and 7's of other animals ) from this earth once already with the Great Flood in Genesis Chapt.6 thru 8. The reason was stated clearly in Gen.6:5 - Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.  GOD saw that there was a man named Noah, that found grace in the sight of the LORD. HE gave Noah instructions on how to build the ark and to prepare it for the animals that GOD would direct to Noah. Now this man, Noah, did not live a separated life with no one around him. He had family members, friends, townspeople who knew what he had been told by GOD to do, but not a single one of them believed. It took 120 years for Noah to complete the ark and when it was done, the animals went in, Noah, his wife, his 3 sons and his 3 daughter-in-laws were the only ones that went inside the ark, and the LORD GOD shut them in Gen.7:13 thru 16. Every other living person, animal and bird died because of the evil and hardness of man's heart. From the moment that the rains started til Noah, his wife, his sons and his daughter-in-laws stepped onto dry land again was approx.13 months.
When they stepped out onto dry land, Noah built an altar to the LORD and sacrificed some of the clean animals ( that is why they took 7 of some of the animals ) and created a sweet aroma. Gen.8:21thru 22 states - And the LORD smelled a soothing aroma. Then the LORD said in HIS heart, " I will not again curse the ground for man's sake, although the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth, nor will I destroy every living thing as I have done.  While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease."  This also puts a crimp in the science that the earth is in trouble because of "global warming".  Also people are always finding sea shells way up high in the mountains and scientists try to explain it various ways, but the truth is that when GOD brought about the Great Flood of Genesis that the water was approx.14' above the highest mountain peak so that is why they dig up fossils that normally would be found in the oceans.
If you read through GOD's WORD and see how many times man makes a mess of things, does what he thinks is right in his own eyes ( the book of Judges shows generation after generation of this ) and after he has gotten himself in such a mess ( as we are in today ) then GOD would send someone to save them. These people were pictures of what JESUS CHRIST would come to complete. When GOD the FATHER sent GOD the SON, JESUS CHRIST to earth as a human baby, HE sent HIM at a specific time. Since it had been prophesied that the MESSIAH would die on a tree, HE had to come at the time of the Roman's use of crucifixion as their form of torture and death. Isaiah 53 deals with GOD the FATHER's requirement of a perfect spotless/sinless sacrifice for the sin of all mankind.
TO THE READER OF THIS BLOG, we are all evil hearted sinners. When GOD the FATHER looks at the person who has not accepted HIS SON, JESUS CHRIST as their personal SAVIOR, HE states twice in HIS WORD John 3:18,36 - He who believes in HIM is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because  he has not believed in the name of the only begotten SON of GOD.  He who believes in the SON has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the SON shall not see life, but the wrath of GOD abides on him.
All of you who have not accepted JESUS CHRIST as your personal SAVIOR;  the wrath of GOD abides on you !!!  All this shows just how much GOD loves us. HE creates us in HIS image with the same attributes as GOD ( to love, laugh,cry,to live forever, to have a conscience, etc.) and we have the freedom and the responsibility to live a life pleasing to HIM. BUT when man chose to sin in the Garden of Eden, our fellowship with GOD was broken, JESUS restores that broken fellowship and the HOLY SPIRIT comes into the heart of those who ask GOD to forgive them through the death and resurrection of JESUS CHRIST.  John 3:16 states - For GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON, that whomsoever believes in HIM shall not perish but have everlasting life.........Are you believing in JESUS  or does the wrath of GOD abide on you John 3:18, 36 ???
Your servant in CHRIST,


  1. Excellent blogppst Julie TY for taking the time to write this.Me and my husband have been.married 31yrs in July and truthfully it is only because of our love for Jesus Christ we have made it through also so im in complete agreement.

    1. Crystal, Hi ! Yes, if were not for the LORD my husband and I would never have made it 42 years. When HE got ahold of us we were such a mess. HE picked us up out of the miry clay, cleaned us off and has been at work making these marred pieces of clay into something that HE can use. It always amazes me when I look back at where we were, now nearly 30 years ago, and where HE has brought us to. I am so glad that HE doesn't give up on us !
